Wuza Forexpros

Input von Rag2RichesFX Realer Name: Handel von: Saint Kitts-Nevis (Karte) Alter: Trading Involvement: Vollzeit Trader Trading Forex Seit: Oktober 2011 Trading Style (s): Preis-Aktion. Technischer Analyst. Wave Analyst Trading Philosophy: Kaufen Sie Richtig, sitzen Sie fest, lassen Sie nicht die Haifische beißen. Pairs gehandelt: AUDUSD, EURUSD Andere Märkte gehandelt: Metalle, Energie, Softs, Aktien Andere Instrumente: Futures Favorite Trading Buch: Forex Preis Action Scalping, Handel in der Zone, Abenteuer eines Devisenhändler (Amazon) Favorite Trading Quote: Wer kann Beide richtig und sitzen eng, ist ungewöhnlich. Mdash Jesse Livermore Biographie: Ich tue dies nicht für die Yachten oder die Hacken Es ist nicht über den Lebensstil oder die Cash-Flow Sein über die Hilfe für diejenigen, die wachsen müssen Enslaved von Tyrannei ist das Leben, das sie wissen Dieses Handelsgeschäft geht nur um zu zeigen, Das Leben ist, was Sie es machen, lassen Sie sich fertig zu gehen Sie bewegt sich schnell, mit Beweglichkeit und Geschwindigkeit, Liquidität so tief, Ausführung garantiert, Aber um diesen Markt für Ihre eigene Habgier zu melken, Und nicht helfen, die in Not, Sie gerade verschwendet In den Nachrichten: 2012 Die Smith Schools Weltklasse-Fakultät sind routinemäßig in führenden Business-und anderen Medien zitiert, während Smiths innovative Programme und Forschungsprojekte Auch Aufmerksamkeit. Hier sind einige Highlights. Dezember 2012 Washington Business Journal 27. Dezember - Adjunct Fakultätsmitglied Paul Silverman wird als neuer CEO und Präsident der InferX Corp. ein Sterling, Va-basierte Verteiler der prädiktiven Analytik und Business Intelligence-Produkte angekündigt. Weiterlesen . CSPAN 26. Dez. Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, gibt seine 2013 Ausblick für die US-Wirtschaft und diskutiert die steuerliche Klippe auf Washington Journal. Uhr. Verwandte Berichterstattung: WOR Radio (New York City) Interview. Fox Geschäfts-Kanal. CNBC-Gäste-Blog. Fox Nachrichten (30. Dez.). WTTG-Fox 5 Dez. 26 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutiv-in-Residenz, diskutiert die steuerliche Klippe. Uhr . Washington Examiner Dez. 22 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in der Finanzierung, wird in einer Reihe von Berichten über wohltätige gebenden Trends zitiert: D. C. Bewohner geben mehr für Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen im Jahr 2012 und Deal zu vermeiden, steuerliche Klippe konnte Wohltätigkeit verletzen. Reuters Dez. 21 GuoDong (Gordon) Gao, Assistant Professor (Decision, Operations and Information Technologies) und Co-Direktor des Zentrums für Gesundheit Information and Decision Systems, Kommentare zu den Ergebnissen aus einer aktuellen Studie der Online-Urologen Bewertungen. Weiterlesen. Auch veröffentlicht von der Chicago Tribune, andere. Fox Business Dez. 19 Janet Wagner, Associate Professor für Marketing und Direktor des Centre for Excellence in Service, erklärt Retail-Marketing-Strategie für Last-Minute-Urlaub Shopper. Weiterlesen . MSN Money Dez. 19 Eine 2013 Wohnprognose von Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutive-in-Residenz, wird veröffentlicht. Weiterlesen. Auch verteilt durch die Associated Press von Yahoo Finanzen, Reuters und andere berichtet über die Straße veröffentlicht und wieder veröffentlicht von Housing Wire, New Haven Register, andere. Gestion de fortune Dezember 2012 Adjunct Finanzen Mitglied Joe Rinaldi ist profiliert (Print only) in diesem monatlichen, Frankreich-veröffentlichten Wealth Management-Magazin. Das Stück konzentriert sich auf Rinaldis Know-how durch seine Leistung als Senior Managing Director und CIO von Quantum Financial Advisors, Inc. Bloomberg Businessweek Dez. 17 Als Teil der 2012 besten B-School Rankings, Smiths MBA-Programm ist der vierte Platz unter den Top-Schulen für Ethik. Weiterlesen . CNBC 17. Dezember - Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, Gästeblogs Langsameres Wachstum, hartnäckige Arbeitslosigkeit im Jahr 2013. Lesen Sie mehr. Yue (Maggie) Zhou, Assistant Professor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, ist die primäre Quelle für einen Bericht über Trends und Herausforderungen, vor denen chinesische Unternehmen suchen, um international zu expandieren . Weiterlesen . Baltimore Sun 13. Dezember Peter Morici, Professor für internationales Geschäft, schreibt die jüngsten Fed-Maßnahmen zur Verringerung des Defizits und halten die Zinsen niedrig wird die Inflation auslösen. Weiterlesen . Equities 13. Dezember Anil Gupta, der Michael Dingman Chair in Global Strategy and Entrepreneurship, wird als Investment Management Consultants Association jährliche Konferenz Keynote-Sprecher an, warum zu viele in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche sind blind für die laufende Transformation der globalen Wirtschaft und wird angekündigt Die Chancen und Herausforderungen, die sich aus dieser Transformation ergeben. Weiterlesen . Dataabest Magazine 12. Dezember Sunil Mithas, Associate Professor für Informationssysteme, und seine IT-Investition Keynote-Adresse zu etwa 300 indischen CIOs wird in dieser Bibel der indischen IT Rekapitulierung einer Mumbai-Konferenz erforscht die Wirkung der IT auf Business-Profit-Ebene hervorgehoben. Weiterlesen. Lesen Sie die Konferenz. Financial Times Dez. 10 Dean G. Anand Anandalingam ist in einem Bericht über die wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen für Business Schools zitiert. Weiterlesen . WJLA-ABC 7 Dez. 9 Elana Fine, Geschäftsführerin des Dingman Centre for Entrepreneurship, erörtert den Cup Cup Cup-Wettbewerb sowie das Vertrauen und die Sorgen der kleinen Unternehmen im Zusammenhang mit der Fiskalklippe in einem Washington Business Report Roundtable, darunter auch die Handelskammer President und CEO Barbara Lang und Fiscal Times Reporter Josh Boak. Schau jetzt. Diamondback - 7. Dezember - David Kass, Tyser Lehre Fellow in Finance, wird in einem Bericht über die finanziellen Auswirkungen der UMDs athletische Konferenz Zugehörigkeit wechseln zu den Big Ten zitiert. Weiterlesen . Toronto Star 7. Dezember Peter Morici, Professor für internationales Geschäft, kommentiert eine bedeutende Akquisition der Energiewirtschaft in Kanada durch chinesisch kontrollierte Unternehmen. Weiterlesen . MSNBC 7. Dezember Peter Morici, Professor für Internationales Geschäft, diskutiert Arbeitslosigkeit und steuerliche Klippen-bezogene Entwicklungen. Sehen Sie sich das Original an Fox Business Channel. KVI Radio (Seattle) und WMAL Radio Zugehörige Gästeblogs, op-eds gehören CNBC. Die Straße, andere. Internationale Finanzierungsüberblick Asien (IFR Asien) 6. Dezember Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutiv-in-Residenz, kommentiert die Citigroup Ankündigung für Filialschließungen und Entlassungen. Weiterlesen. Verwandte Berichterstattung in The Baltimore Sun. American Banker Dec. 2 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Executive-in-Residenz, kommentiert eine hohe Rate von Citigroup-ausgebildete CEOs in der Bankenbranche. Weiterlesen. November 2012 Christian Science Monitor 29. November Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, schreibt op-ad adressiert vorgeschlagenen Steuererhöhungen, um die steuerliche Klippe abzuwenden. Weiterlesen Auch veröffentlicht von CNBC, The Street, andere. LHebdo 29. November David Kass, Tyser Lehre Fellow im Finanzbereich, übersieht die US-Steuer-Klippe-Frage für dieses in der Schweiz ansässige Wirtschaftsmagazin. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg Businessweek 28. November Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutiv-in-Wohnsitz, kommentiert steuerliche Klippen Implikationen für Fannie Mae und Freddie Mac. Weiterlesen. WJLA-ABC 7 Nov. 25 Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, diskutiert die steuerliche Klippe auf Washington Business Report. Watch Verwandte Berichterstattung: WMAL Radio interview. Pittsburgh Tribune op-ed. Spalte auch veröffentlicht von Baltimore Sun, andere Washington Post 25. November Rajshree Agarwal, Professor und Deans Chair of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, kommentiert in einem Bericht über interne interkulturelle Einrichtungen als Mittel zur Förderung der Innovation. Weiterlesen. Bill Rand, Assistant Professor für Marketing und Direktor des Centre for Complexity in Business, kommentiert in Social Media Ändern der Art und Weise Athleten Sprechen. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg Businessweek Nov. 21 Ken White, Associate Dean von M. S. Und MBA-Programme, beschreibt Smiths Relevanz für den boomenden Markt für spezialisierte Master-Abschlüsse. Weiterlesen. Capital News Service 21. November Joseph Bailey, Research Professor für Entscheidungen, Operations und Information Technologies, hilft bei der Erläuterung Schwierigkeiten bei der Durchsetzung Marylands Online-Umsatzsteuer. Weiterlesen. Herausgegeben von der Frederick News Post, dem Daily Record, andere. Die Straße 20. November Smiths in Kürze M. S. In Business für Marketing-Analytics-Programm angekündigt wird. Mehr lesen Auch veröffentlicht von Bizjournals, TD Waterhouse Kanada, Reuters, andere. Verwandte Berichterstattung von Technically Baltimore (Blog). Bloomberg Businessweek Nov. 20 Smiths Public Relations für Business Leaders Kurs ist in der B-School-Twitter-Roundup hervorgehoben. Weiterlesen. Washington Post 20. November Das Dingman Center für Entrepreneurships Pitch Dingman Wettbewerb ist in einem Bericht über UMD Terrapins engen Ende markiert Matt Furstenberg gewann eine aktuelle Tranche des Wettbewerbs. Weiterlesen. Baltimore Sun Nov. 19 Gilad Chen, der Ralph J. Tyser Professor für Organisationsverhalten und Abteilungsleiter, erklärt, warum Unternehmen von innen fördern. Weiterlesen. Christian Science Monitor 17. November Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, kommentiert in einem Bericht über Hostess liquidating seine Unternehmen. Weiterlesen. Reuters 16. November Smith Fachkommentar über Urlaub Retail Trends veröffentlicht wird. Weiterlesen. Reuters Nov. 16 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Lehrender Gefährte und Exekutiv-in-Wohnsitz, Anmerkungen in FHA, zum des Bargeldes im Angebot zu stützen, um Rettungspaket wegzuhalten. Lesen Sie mehr Republished by the Fiscal Times, andere Chicago Tribune (via Bloomberg News) Nov. 14 Forschung verknüpft CEO Unterschrift Größe Narzissmus von Assistant Professor of Accounting Nick Seybert wird in Petraeous Narzissmus verwiesen. Weiterlesen. CNBC 12. November Anil Gupta, der Michael Dingman Chair in Global Strategy and Entrepreneurship, diskutiert Wachstumsperspektiven für Indien in einem Live-Interview. Uhr . Bloomberg Businessweek Nov. 15 Die Smith School rangiert Nr. 24 insgesamt bis von Nr. 42 in der Bloomberg Businessweek 2012 Business School Rankings. Lesen Sie mehr Related: Smith Reihen in der Nähe oben in der Zufriedenheit der Studenten Diamondback 15. November Associate Dean Victor Mullins diskutiert die Bildung eines Smith School Deans Student Advisory Council. Weiterlesen . Bloomberg Businessweek Nov. 15 David Kass, Tyser Lehre Fellow in Finance, wird in Berkshire zitiert Takes Deere Stake als Buffett Deputies Build Portfolios. Lesen Sie mehr Auch veröffentlicht von der Chicago Tribune Related Forexpros Gast-Blog Amerikanischen öffentlichen Medien-Markt Radio 14. November Shreevardhan Lele, Ralph J. Tyser Distinguished Teaching Fellow der Entscheidung Wissenschaften, Kommentare in How Lame Ducks Vergleich in Wirtschaft, Politik. Hör mal zu . Diamondback Nov. 14 Hank Boyd, Tyser Lehre Fellow und Associate Lehrstuhl für Marketing, kommentiert Gov Martin OMalley als potenzielle Präsidentschaftskandidat 2016. Weiterlesen . Der College-Investor (Blog) 14. November Smith ist unter den Schulen für Studenten-Hedge-Fonds und Investmentfonds zitiert. Weiterlesen . Diamondback Nov. 14 Tyser Lehre Stipendiaten in der Finanzen David Kass und Elinda Kiss Kommentar in Student Darlehen Zinssätze können für einige spike. Weiterlesen . Barrons - 10. November - Peter Morici, Professor für internationales Geschäft, und seine Prognose für den Einzelhandel wird verwiesen. Weiterlesen . The Daily Record 9. November Geschichte deckt die jüngsten Studie Verknüpfung CEO Signatur Größe Narzissmus von Nick Seybert, Assistant Professor für Buchhaltung. Weiterlesen . WOR Radio (New York) 9. November Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, diskutiert die Steuerklippe mit dem ehemaligen New Yorker Gouverneur David Patterson. Hören (beginnt um 12:05) Related Columnscoverage: CNBC (Gast-Blog), CNBC (Bericht), Die Straße. Investitions-Uhr. Washington Times Diamondback 8. November Hank Boyd, Tyser Unterrichtenden Stipendiat und Associate Chair des Marketings, Kommentare zu Demokraten und Republikaner zusammenarbeiten unter Präsident Obamas zweiten Begriff und die Aussicht auf College-Absolventen in der wissensbasierten Wirtschaft. Lesen Sie mehr Related: Boyd kommentiert Präsident Obamas erfolgreichen Outreach zu African American und Latino Wähler durch frühe Abstimmung Initiativen. Weiterlesen . Diamondback Nov. 6-7 David Kass, Tyser Unterrichtender Gefährte in der Finanzierung, kommentiert Wahl-Implikationen für Gesundheitsreform. Nov. 6 und Nov. 7 Das Business-Monats-Nov. 6 Elana Fine, Geschäftsführerin des Dingman Centre for Entrepreneurship, überblickt die Aktivitäten und Ziele der QampA. Weiterlesen . Business Day Live (Südafrika) 5. November David Kass, Tyser Lehre Fellow in Finance, wird in Berkshire Hathaway Soars auf Eisenbahn, Rally in Stocks zitiert. Weiterlesen . Statesman Journal 5. November Peter Morici, Professor für internationales Geschäft, Details eine Wahltagsprognose. Weiterlesen . Financial Times 5. November Dean G. Anand Anandalingam und Lemma Senbet, William E. Mayer Chair Professor für Finanzen und Direktor des Smiths Center for Financial Policy, kommentieren die Rolle des Zentrums in einem Platz auf dem Capitol Hill. Weiterlesen . Bloomberg Business Week Nov. 5 David Kass, Tyser Lehre Fellow in Finance, wird in Berkshire Cash Nears Rekord als Buffett verlängert Deal Hunt zitiert. Lesen Sie mehr Related Coverage von eFinancial Karriere Best Stocks für 2013 (Blog) 5. November David Kass, Tyser Lehre Fellow in Finance, bietet Warren Buffett-bezogenen Einblick für ein Stück Prognose bevorstehende Milliardär Investor Tätigkeit. Weiterlesen . Denver Post 5. November Peter Morici, Professor für internationales Geschäft, wird von seiner früheren Kolumne auf Superstorm Sandys wirtschaftlichen Einfluss bezogen. Weiterlesen . Washington Post Nov. 3 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutiv-in-Residenz, wird in FHFA Kopf DeMarco zitiert steht allein, als er schrumpft Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac. Weiterlesen . Bloomberg Businessweek Nov. 2 David Kass, Tyser Lehre Fellow in Finance, Kommentare für Deutsche Bank Faces Top Zuschlag als FSB Shuffles Tiers. Weiterlesen . Der Wächter 1. November Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, wird in einem Bericht über die US-Arbeitslosenquote und Wirtschaft zitiert. Weiterlesen Verwandte: CNBC guest blog. Yahoo Finance Reuters 1. November Fiscal Cliff Kommentar von Smith und öffentliche Politik-Experten veröffentlicht wird. Weiterlesen . UMTV-Research Matters Hank Boyd deckt Präsidentschaftskandidaten Branding in einer Vorwahl-Diskussion. Uhr . Oktober 2012 Marketwatch 31. Oktober Recap der Smiths Mergers and Acquisitions Wettbewerb wird gebucht. Weiterlesen. CNN MoneyFortune 29. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor für internationales Geschäft, wird von Dichter und Quants als Weltbester B-School Professor profiliert. Weiterlesen. Philadelphia Inquirer 30. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, schreibt über Hurricane Sandys Wirkung auf die Wirtschaft. Weiterlesen. Berichterstattung, Kommentare aus seiner Spalte von TIME. New York Zeiten. Abc Nachrichten. Globus und Post. Andere. Diamondback - Okt. 26 - Elinda Kiss, Tyser Lehre Fellow in der Finanzierung, Kommentare in Studenten Kampf zu bleiben oben auf Private Darlehen Tilgungen. Weiterlesen. Tehelka (Indien politische Nachrichten wöchentlich) 26. Oktober Anil K. Gupta, der Michael Dingman Lehrstuhl in der globalen Strategie und im Unternehmertum, kommentiert für ein Profil des indisch-amerikanischen Geschäftsmannes Rajat Gupta, der vor kurzem verurteilt und zu Gefängnis für Insiderhandel verurteilt wurde. Weiterlesen. Fox Business Channel 26. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, kommentiert die Volkswirtschaft. Uhr. Ähnliche Inhalte: Morici auf WMAL Radio. In der Des Moines Register. In der Hauptstadt 26. Oktober Die Smith School und ihre Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship sind für die Koordinierung UMDs Eröffnungs-Startup-Karriere und Praktikumsmesse am 9. November in der Stamp Student Centers Grand Ballroom hervorgehoben. Weiterlesen. (Maryland) Gazette 26. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor des internationalen Geschäfts, kommentiert für einen Bericht über Marylands Spielreferendum. Weiterlesen. Forexpros Okt. 24 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in Finanzen, erinnert und kommentiert eine aktuelle Warren Buffett-CNBC Interview. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg Businessweek 23. Oktober Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutiv-in-Residenz, beschreibt den Führungsstil von Edward DeMarco in Demarco schrumpft Fannie-Freddie ohne Hilfe vom Kongress. Weiterlesen. Auch in der Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, andere. Die Straße 22. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, schreibt über das Risiko des wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruchs und die Präsidentschaftswahlen. Weiterlesen. First Business Okt. 22 David Kirsch, Associate Professor für Management und Unternehmertum, kommentiert in einem Bericht über die Insolvenz der Elektro-Autobatterie-Hersteller A123 Systems. Das syndizierte Fernsehprogramm lüftet früh morgens in den USA und auf internationalen Märkten, auf Investoren und Geldmanager gerichtet. Uhr. Marketwatch Oct. 19 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutive-in-Residenz, kommentiert über unter-ausgestattete föderale Regulierung in Critics sagen SEC-Regel verkörpert fehlgeschlagen Modell. Weiterlesen. Reuters Okt. 19 Mark Grovic, Adjunct Fakultät Mitglied in Management und Organisation, wird als ein Wie Cybersecurity ist Transformation eines Generation-Panelmitglied für ein Okt. 25 Security Innovation Network Veranstaltung im National Press Club zitiert. Weiterlesen. BloombergBusinessweek 19. Oktober Ankündigung veröffentlicht Innovation Freitags als MTech-Dingman Zentrum für Entrepreneurship-Initiative. Weiterlesen. CNBC 18. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor für internationales Geschäft, Gastblogs über die Beschäftigungswachstumsperspektiven unter den Präsidentschaftskandidaten. Weiterlesen. Veröffentlicht von der South Florida Sun Sentinel, Statesman Journal, andere. (Maryland) Gazette 18. Oktober Das Dingman Zentrum für Entrepreneurships zu weiten Cupids Cup zu einem bundesweiten Wettbewerb wird berichtet. Weiterlesen. Schiefer 17. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor für internationales Geschäft, zitiert dazu, einen Beitrag zur Währungsmanipulation zu leisten. Weiterlesen. Financial Tech Spotlight 16. Oktober Die Ernennung von Sandy Boyson, Research-Professor und Supply Chain Management Center Co-Direktor, zum Beratenden Ausschuss für Supply Chain Competitiveness wird angekündigt. Weiterlesen. Die Straße 15. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor oder internationales Geschäft, schreibt, dass Debatten haben ObamaBiden Mängel aufgedeckt. Weiterlesen. Veröffentlicht von FoxNews, andere. ABC News 15. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, kommentiert den EU-Nobelpreis. Weiterlesen. Forexpros Okt. 12 David Kass, Tyser Lehre Fellow in Finanzen, Gast-Blogs über Berkshire Hathaway Hinzufügen zu seiner Position in DaVita. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg Businessweek 12. Oktober Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutiv-in-Residenz, Kommentare für JPMorgan entfaltet neues Risikomodell für Derivate Wette. Weiterlesen. Getrennte Geschichte mit Rossi Kommentar: JPMorgan, Wells Fargo Schreiben Sie nach Hause-Equity-Darlehen. Wall Street Journal 12. Oktober - WSJ Beiträge Ankündigung der Industrie Tag und Person des Jahres Anerkennung (von Smith Studenten in der Supply Chain Management Society) von Amazon Vice President der nordamerikanischen Operationen Michael Roth. Weiterlesen. Diamondback - 10. Oktober - Elinda Kiss, Tyser Lehre Fellow in der Finanzierung, Kommentare in Romney Likely Wont Cut Bildung, Experten sagen. Weiterlesen. OGlobo (The Globe) 8. Oktober Eine der größten Tageszeitungen in Brazils interviewt Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutiv-in-Residence, über die globale Finanzkrise und Verbesserungen, die in der Finanzindustrie benötigt werden. Geschichte in Portugiesisch (Kopieren und übersetzen). Agenda (Financial Times-veröffentlichte Newsletter für Corporate Directors) 8. Oktober Mike Faulkender, Associate Professor für Finanzen, Kommentare in Is Pay Benchmarking Falling aus der Bevorzugung. (Seiten 5-6) Lesen Sie mehr. Bloomberg Okt. 8 Der bundesweite Ausbau des UMD Cupids Cup Business-Wettbewerbs, organisiert von der Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, wird angekündigt. Lesen Sie mehr Related: Washington Post Capital Business Brief. Diamondback 8. Oktober David Kass, Tyser Lehre Fellow in Finance und Mike Faulkender, Associate Professor für Finanzen, sind in einem Wahlbericht mit Schwerpunkt auf Gesundheitspolitik Politik zitiert. Weiterlesen. New York Times Magazine 7. Oktober David Kirsch, Associate Professor für Management, ist eine primäre Quelle für Warum Your Car Isnt Electric. Weiterlesen. Ähnliche Berichterstattung von Baltimore Magazine. Der Anil K. Gupta, der Michael Dingman Chair in Global Strategy and Entrepreneurship, gibt eine Keynote-Präsentation über die Asien-Marktstrategie als Teil eines Kanadas in der Pacific Century Konferenz. Uhr. Die Straße 4. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, schreibt über nationale Beschäftigungsdaten für September. Weiterlesen. Veröffentlicht auf FoxNews, andere Ähnliche Berichterstattung: Boston Herald Berichterstattung: ABCNews. CNBC. Des Moines registrieren. Pittsburgh Tribüne-Bericht. Andere. HousingWire Magazine Oct. 3 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutive-in-Residenz, Kommentare über Edward DeMarco in einem Profil des amtierenden Direktors der Federal Housing Finance Agency. Weiterlesen. Diamondback Okt. 2 Finanzen Fakultät Mike Faulkender, Elinda Kiss und Cliff Rossi Kommentar in Mehr Studenten Standard auf Bundes-Darlehen. Weiterlesen. BlackGivesBack (Blog) Okt. 2 Ein Zentrum für soziale Wertschöpfung-gehosteten Präsentation von Verizon Foundation Präsident Rose Stuckey Kirk ist wieder zusammengestellt. Weiterlesen. Related: Smith News Abdeckung der Veranstaltung. CNBC 1. Oktober Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, Gast-Blogs, dass die Romney Präsidentschafts-Kampagne hat sich in einem wirksamen Messaging. Weiterlesen. Ähnliche Baltimore Sun Op-ed. Reuters 1. Oktober Das Zentrum für Gesundheit Information und Entscheidungssysteme Workshop über Gesundheit IT und Wirtschaft Workshop wird angekündigt. Weiterlesen. Brent Goldfarb, Associate Professor für Management und Entrepreneurship, wird zitiert, und das Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship wird referenziert, in Maryland Colleges beschleunigen in Drive for Innovation (Seiten 2-3 ). Weiterlesen. Mit Sloan Management Review (Herbst 2012) Ritu Agarwal, Deans Chair of Information Systems und Direktor von CHIDS, mit Co-Autor MITs Peter Weill, diskutieren ihre Forschung in den Vorteilen der Kombination von Daten mit Empathy. Weiterlesen. September 2012 Staatsmagazin (Oregon) Sept. 30 Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, schreibt über Outsourcing, China und die Präsidentschaftskampagne. Weiterlesen. Maryland Gazette (Annapolis) Sept. 27 Charles Olson, Professor für die Praxis in Logistik, Wirtschaft und Politik, beschreibt Faktoren, die Pepco veranlasst, Social Media als ein Customer Relations Tool zu übernehmen. Weiterlesen. Die National Journal Sept. 27 Bill Longbreke, Exekutive in Residenz für Finanzen, kommentiert in einer Präsidentschafts-Kampagne Geschichte auf die Wirtschaft und die White House-Ansatz für sie konzentriert. Weiterlesen. Des Moines Register Sept. 25 Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, schreibt über die Schwierigkeit für Präsidentschaftskandidaten in der Steuerpolitik Versprechungen. Weiterlesen. Auch veröffentlicht von The Street, andere. Verwandte Berichterstattung: Morici diskutiert die Präsidentschafts-Kampagne und Volkswirtschaft auf dem WJLA-ABC 7 Washington Business Report. Baltimore Business Journal Sept. 25 Das Dingman Zentrum für Entrepreneurship wird in der Universität von Maryland hervorgehoben, die hoch für Unternehmertumprogramme ist. Weiterlesen. Jewish Telegraph Agency Sept. 24 Mike Faulkender, Associate Professor für Finanzen, kommentiert die Bundesübernahme des Bnai Brith Pensionsplans. Weiterlesen. Auch veröffentlicht von der Times von Israel, andere. Fox Business Channel (via YouTube) 24. September Peter Morici, Professor für internationales Geschäft, schließt sich einer Geldprogrammdiskussion zur bundesweiten Arbeitslosigkeit an. Uhr. Ähnliche Baltimore Sun Op-ed. Morici diskutiert die Wirtschaft, mehr über WMAL Radio. Bloomberg Businessweek Sept. 24, 26 Anil Gupta, der Vorsitzende von Michael D. Dingman in der Strategie, und Haiyan Wang, MBA 95, schreiben über Unternehmensstrategien für eine langsame China in einem zweiteiligen Kommentar. Lesen Sie mehr: Teil 1 Teil 2 CNN MoneyFortune Magazine Sept. 21 Gilad Chen, der Ralph J. Tyser Professor für organisatorische Verhalten und Abteilungsleiter, Kommentare in Sind Sie wirklich in Ihrem Job gefangen Read more. Yahoo News - 20. September - Joe Rinaldi, Zusatzfinanzierer, gibt Ruhestand Anlageberatung in einer Business-to-Business-Spalte. Weiterlesen. Die Bowie Blade-News Sept. 20 Smith Undergraduate Finance Major Raaheela Ahmed, 19, ist in ihrem Gebot für den Bezirk 5 Sitz auf dem Prince Georges County School Board profiliert. Weiterlesen. Small Business Trends Sept.19 Dingman Zentrum für Entrepreneurship kündigt neue Führung und erweitert Campus Rolle wird vorgestellt. Weiterlesen. Geschichte geschrieben auf Marketwatch, andere. Verwandte Berichte: Baltimore Business Journal. Investoren-Geschäft Daily Sept. 18 Peter Morici, Professor für internationales Geschäft ist in einem Bericht über China Investitionen in den Vereinigten Staaten zitiert. Weiterlesen. Washington Post Sept. 17 Ken White, Associate Dekan für MBA und M. S. Programme, Kommentare in einem Bericht über Business School-Graduate-Programm Trends. Weiterlesen. WJLA ABC-7 - Sept. 16 Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, diskutiert neue Konjunkturprogramme der Federal Reserve und ihre Auswirkungen auf die D. C.-Region. Uhr. Financial Times Sept. 16 Ein Profil der Innovation bei Smith umfasst das Dingman Center für Entrepreneurship, das Centre for Social Value Creation und einen Unternehmerkurs, der von Associate Professor Brent Goldfarb entwickelt und geleitet wird. Weiterlesen. Die Baltimore Sun Sept. 15 Rhonda Reger, Associate Professor für strategisches Management, kommentiert CEO Tenure Trends in einer Analyse der Legg Mason CEO Resignation. Weiterlesen. WMAL Radio Sept. 14 Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, analysiert aktuelle wirtschaftliche Fragen. Hör mal zu. Wall Street JournalCFO Journal Sept. 14 Assistant Professor of Accounting Nick Seyberts Forschung auf CEO Narzissmus wird in einem Drei Must-Read Artikel Blog hervorgehoben. Weiterlesen (mit WSJ-Teilnehmerzugriff). WCR TV NBC 4 Sept. 13 Amna Kirmani, Professorin für Marketing und PhD-Programmdirektorin, kommentiert in einem Bericht über neue monatliche Mitgliedschafts-Websites wie TieTry und BirchBox, in denen die Verbraucher monatlich zahlen, um Schönheitsproben, Halsbänder und andere Produkte zu erhalten. Uhr. Washington Post Sept. 12 Smiths Office of Career Services und Diskussion von Managing Director Jeff Kudisch, sind in The Jobs the Thing: MBA-Programme Step Up Bemühungen um Studenten zu helfen, im Krieg für Talent zu gewinnen. Weiterlesen. Diamondback Sept. 12 Mike Faulkender, Associate Professor für Finanzen, wird in Studenten Worse Off als Eltern zum ersten Mal zitiert. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg Businessweek Sept. 11 Spotlighted ist ein UMD Diamondback-Feature auf David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in Finanzen, und seine Erinnerung an Mitt Romney als Harvard Undergraduate und Klassenkameraden. Weiterlesen. Verwandte Berichterstattung durch die College Fix. Boston Herald Sept. 10 Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, schreibt über die Arbeitslosigkeit, die Wahl und die Wirtschaft. Weiterlesen. Auch veröffentlicht von der Baltimore Sun, CNBC Related Berichterstattung in Business Ghana. Philadelphia Inquirer Sept. 9 Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, gibt historische Analyse in der Wahl und der Wirtschaft. Weiterlesen. Verwandte Spalten veröffentlicht durch das Des Moines Register. United Press International, Foxnews Bloomberg BusinessWeeke Sept. 8 Edwin Locke, Deans Professor Emeritus of Leadership und Motivation, wird in Warum Scheitern können solche Erfolgsgeschichten zitiert. Weiterlesen. MSNBC Sept. 7 Als Gast auf dem Zyklus, diskutiert Peter Morici, Professor des internationalen Geschäfts, die Präsidentschaftskampagne und die nationale Arbeitslosigkeit. Uhr. Berichterstattung von Moneynews. Zeitung. Das (Deleware) Nachrichtenjournal. Geschäft Zuschauer. Diamondback Sept. 7 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in Finanzen, Aktien Erinnerungen an Präsidentschaftskandidat Mitt Romney, während sie Harvard Klassenkameraden im Jahr 1973 waren. Lesen Sie mehr. Äthiopischer Rundfunkdienst (EBS TV) 6. September Finanzprofessor Lemma Senbet diskutiert seine Ernennung zum neuen Leiter des Afrikanischen Bildungsforschungskonsortiums in einem Interview, das in einem Netzwerk mit 25-30 Millionen Zuschauern in Äthiopien sowie größerem Afrika und der globalen äthiopischen Diaspora ausgestrahlt wurde . Uhr. Reuters Sept. 6 Smith-Professoren Sandy Boyson (Lieferketten), Charles Olson (Gasölproduktion) und Louiqa Raschid (IT im Notfallmanagement) werden als Katastrophenmanagement-Experten in Bezug auf Hurrikan-Isaac-Bereinigung hervorgehoben. Zentrum für soziale Wertschöpfung Assistent Direktor Guillermo Olivos wird auch für seinen Hintergrund in Breitenwirbel Reaktion Networking referenziert. Weiterlesen. CNBC Sept. 6 Die Ankündigung von Smiths neuen Social Entrepreneurs-in-Residence Programm wird gebucht. Weiterlesen. Auch von den Filialen bundesweit. GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals) News Sept. 5 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutiv-in-Residenz, zitiert und zitiert in Bezug auf seine Rolle als Berater des US-Treasurys vor kurzem gegründet Office of Financial Research. Lesen Sie mehr (mit Abo). Ich suche Alpha Sept. 4 David Kass, Tyser Lehre Fellow in Finanzen, Gast-Blogs über die Börse und Wirtschaft in Bezug auf die Präsidentschaftswahl. Weiterlesen. Auch veröffentlicht von ForExpros American Banker Sept. 3 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutiv-in-Residenz, wird auf einer Gruppe von Finanzexperten für einen Roundtable auf die Grenzen eines Risikomanagers vorgestellt. Lesen Sie mehr (Abonnement für den vollen Zugriff erforderlich). Huffington Post Sept. 1 Die Smith Schule und Dingman Zentrum für Entrepreneurship zitiert sind für die Betankung der University of Marylands Nr. 4 nationalen Ranking unter Unigos Top Ten Colleges für Knospen Unternehmer. Weiterlesen. WJLA ABC 7 Sept. 1 Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, schließt sich einem Washington Report Panel an, um Schlagzeilen und Nachrichtenmacher in der Finanzwelt zu diskutieren. Uhr. CCTV (China Central Television) Sept. 1 Peter Morici, Professor für internationale Wirtschaft, diskutiert Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernankes aktuelle Aussagen über die Volkswirtschaft. Uhr. August 2012 Bloomberg Businesswoche - 30. August - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow und Exekutive-in-Residenz, ist kurz profiliert, zusammen mit Smith 2011 MBA grad Sam Brownell, in einem Bericht über die steigende Bedeutung der Compliance-Spezialisten in der Bankenbranche. Weiterlesen. Auch veröffentlicht von Financial Advisor Magazine, The Times Picayune, andere. CNBC - Hank Boyd, Associate Marketing Stuhl und Tyser Teaching Fellow, wird in How Main Street macht es in politische Konventionen zitiert. Weiterlesen. The Baltimore Sun - 28. August - Shreevardhan Lele, Ralph J. Tyser Ausgezeichneter Lehrbeauftragter der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, ist eine primäre Quelle für einen Bericht über die Wirtschaftsschulen, die die jüngsten Skandale in der Welt der Finanzierung als Plattform für Ethikunterricht verwenden. Weiterlesen. Auch veröffentlicht von der Sun Sentinel (Fla.) Forexpros - 28. August - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in Finanzen, schreibt über Warren Buffett und Lektionen aus dem Facebook IPO. Weiterlesen. Kansas City Star - 25. August - Mike Faulkender, Associate Professor für Finanzen, kommentiert einen Bericht über die finanziellen Probleme der Kansas City-basierte Boilermakers Union. Weiterlesen. Reuters - 22. August - Smith Fakultätsexpertenkommentar zum Präsidentschaftswahlzyklus 2012 wird hervorgehoben. Weiterlesen. WTTG Fox 5 - Aug. 21 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in der Finanzanalyse Facebooks Aktienmarkt Rückgang in einem Morgen-News-Segment. Uhr. Wall Street Journal - 21. August - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in der Finanzierung, Kommentare zu Berkshire Hathaways bewegen, um eine große Wette auf dem städtischen Anleihe-Markt zu beenden. Weiterlesen. Verwandte Berichterstattung von United Press International und Kass Forexpros Gast-Blog. Bloomberg - 15. August - David Kass, Tyser Unterrichtender Gefährte in der Finanzierung, Anmerkungen zu Standard Chartered CEO Peter Sands Reaktion auf seine Unternehmen angebliche Geldwäsche-Aktivität. Weiterlesen. Michel Wedel, PepsiCo Professor für Consumer Science, zitiert aus einem kürzlich veröffentlichten Wall Street Journal Bericht über Vermarkter Tracking Shopper Retinas für ein Stück, Technologie in den Aisles . Weiterlesen. Portal de Branding - Aug. 14 - Anil Gupta, Michael Dingman Chair in Global Strategy and Entrepreneurship, comments for Chinas Biggest Brands Try to Raise Their Profile a report originating with Bloomberg Businessweek in this Brazil-based news outlet. Weiterlesen. Supermarket News - Aug. 14 - Jie Zhang, the Harvey Sanders Fellow of Retail Management, discusses the nationwide droughts effect on the grocery industry. Weiterlesen. (Maryland) Gazette - Aug. 13 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, comments on Marylands sales tax holiday in a set of reports. Weiterlesen. Related Aug. 9 coverage in the Gazette . Psychology Today - Aug. 14 - Vice Dean Joyce E. A. Russell is quoted among leading experts in Why Every CEO Needs a Coach. Weiterlesen. Also published by Canadas Financial Post, others. CNBC - Aug. 12 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest blogs Ryan a Smart Choice by a Savvy Executive. Weiterlesen. Related coverage in MoneyNews . Bloomberg - Aug. 9 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, comments for a report, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Results May Ease Wind-Down Push. Weiterlesen. Reuters - Aug. 9 - Charles Olson, professor of the practice in logistics, business and public policy, and Jie Zhang, Harvey Sanders Fellow of Retail Management, are highlighted as experts on implications of the summer nationwide drought for the energy (Olson) and grocery (Zhang) industries. Weiterlesen. The Baltimore Sun - Aug. 9 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes op-ed, Memo to Romney: Its not just the economy, stupid. Weiterlesen. Cincinnati Post - Aug. 8 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes op-ed, Obama, GOP risk depression. Weiterlesen. Also published by United Press International, Statesman Journal. Informationweek - Aug. 7 - Bill Rand, assistant professor of marketing and director of the Center for Complexity in Business, helps explain 5 Social Skills IT Pros Must Have. Weiterlesen. Marketwatch - Aug. 7 - Bill Rand, assistant professor of marketing and director of the Center for Complexity in Business, comments on a CCB and Teradata Aster-coordinated survey indicating Companies Need Education on the Value of Social Media and Big Data Analytics. Weiterlesen. Related coverage by Silicone Angle. CMO. Enterprise Innovation and others. Related: Rand discusses role of the Chief Digital Officer in a related Teradata Magazine QampA . News Radio 860 (Las Vegas) - Aug. 6 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, discusses the latest jobs report and state of the economy. Listen. Related: Foxnews guest blog. Bloomberg - Aug. 6 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, comments on Berkshire Hathaways cash swell. Weiterlesen. Related: Forexpros guest blog. Fox Business Channel - Aug. 3 - Pete Kyle, Charles E. Smith Professor of Finance, discussed the near collapse of Knight Capital in a live studio segment (video not available). His analysis summary: The problem was not a trading algorithm which malfunctioned, but rather order-handling software which was not appropriately tested before implementation. As a result, it was entirely possible that Knights customers submitted reasonable accurate orders into Knights system based on their own trading algorithms. But the system may have malfunctioned, for example, by executing the orders too fast or executing the wrong quantities. Thus, this was probably more of an IT problem and not a problem with trading algorithms associated with, say, high frequency trading. Businessweek - Aug. 2 - Janet Wagner, associate professor of marketing and director of the Center for Excellence in Service, is cited for her leadership of Smith MBA customer-service initiatives. Weiterlesen. HispanicBusiness - Aug. 1 - Rhonda Reger, associate professor of strategic management, is quoted in a Chick-Fil-A boycott report in a blog post adapted from The Baltimore Sun. Weiterlesen. InformationWeek - July 31 - Bill Rand, assistant professor of marketing and director of the Center for Complexity in Business, discusses social media strategy for the Olympics. Weiterlesen. Businessweek Ken White, associate dean of MBA and MS programs, describes the value of the new MBA pilot program integrating public relations, corporate communications and reputation management. The Smith School is one of five pioneering institutions in this pilot program supported by the Public Relations Society of America. The announcement originated in June. Weiterlesen. With subsequent coverage by the Associated Press. Digital Park. PR Daily and others. The Baltimore Sun July 31 Rhonda Reger, associate professor of strategic management, comments for a report on the boycott of Chick-fil-A over the company CEOs recent words on gay marriage. Weiterlesen. The Daily Record July 30 Peter Morici, professor of international business, joins UMD colleague Phillip Swagel (public policy) in analyzing a small business sector downturn in Maryland. Weiterlesen. (with subscription). Full version from Change Maryland. Republicainaugantable July 30 Smith MBA consulting projects with Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP and the Special Olympics are highlighted and Bob Krapfel, associate professor of marketing, comments in a blog post Real Work for Future MBAs adapted from an earlier Wall Street Journal story. Weiterlesen. The Baltimore Sun July 30 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes Romney needs a plan for China in op-ed. Read more Related, recent coverage of Moricis U. S. economy analysis includes Human Events. Fox News Channels OReilly Factor. MSNBC. CNBC blog. Cincinnati Post. Florida Sun Sentinel . Investors Business Daily July 27 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, helps analyze the potential impact of mortgage principal reductions. Weiterlesen. Baltimore Business Journal July 27 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance comments on investors sidestepping risk by investing charitable foundations: Coming out of a financial crisis, there have been fair swings in the stock market. Charitable foundations may be more interested in preservation at the moment more than return on capital, so they can maintain whatever their charitable budget may be. Read more (subscription required). Bloomberg July 26 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, comments for a report, Buffett 3 Billion Dow Preferred Stake May Be Repaid. Weiterlesen. (Maryland) Gazette July 26 Local news outlet covers launch of Smith School Cybersecurity Leadership Program. Read more Original announcement posted by IT Industry Today and others. Businessweek July 26 The Smith School is cited as co-host of a Washington, D. C. gathering of about 70 senior policymakers and banking executives. Titled Navigating transformational change of the global financial landscape: Realizing systemic stability, avoiding unintended consequences, the conference featured related research and comments by Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow. Bloomberg Businessweek July 26 Anil Gupta, the Michael Dingman Chair in Global Strategy and Entrepreneurship, comments about China companies working to raise brand profiles. Weiterlesen. StreetInsider July 25 Olympics marketing commentary is highlighted by professors Roland Rust, Bill Rand and Rebecca Hamilton. Weiterlesen. NASDAQ July 25 A 2009 study, Why Do Consumers Buy Extended Service Contracts by Tao Chen, assistant professor of marketing, is cited in a report on extended warranty perks offered through credit cards. Weiterlesen. WMAL Radio July 25 Peter Morici, professor of international business, comments on Marylands business climate in a report Is Maryland Anti-Business Read more. ReutersNew York Times July 24 Peter Morici, professor of international business, suggests the impending sale of Canada energy giant Nexen to a China firm may prompt Canadian resident concern over Chinese hegemony. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg Business Week July 24 Elana Fine, director of the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, comments on an incubator venture planned for Baltimores Federal Hill. Originally published by the Baltimore Sun. Weiterlesen. Forbes July 24 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, says a hypothetical, coordinated move by investors to wage war on Wall Street and Congress would be unlikely and politically ineffective. Weiterlesen. WJLA ABC-7 July 22 Peter Morici, professor of international business, discusses possible scenarios of automatic federal spending cuts due to begin in 2013, and more, in this edition of Washington Business Report. Watch. ReutersNew York Times July 20 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, comments in U. S. Banks Haunted by Mortgage Demons. Weiterlesen. Louisville Courier-Journal July 15 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes about reforming university athletics in the wake of the Penn State scandal. Weiterlesen. Related commentary on WMAL Radio . Associated Press July 12 Anil Gupta, the Michael Dingman Chair in Global Strategy and Entrepreneurship, comments on Chinas slow growth as Asia stocks rise. Weiterlesen. Toronto Star July 12 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes about the implications of Mediterranean sovereign debt loss. Weiterlesen. Wall Street Journal July 12 Michel Wedel, PepsiCo Professor of Consumer Science, comments on marketers tracking shoppers retinas. Read more Related coverage in Marketing Forecast . In the Capital July 11 A Dingman Center Angels Year in Review is accompanied by a recent Entrepreneur QampA with center director Elana Fine, originally published in the Washington Post. Weiterlesen. Risk Magazine-Quant Congress USA July 10 Dilip Madan, associate professor of mathematical finance, is cited as a keynote speaker for the magazines July 10-12 convention in New York City for senior risk managers and quantitative researchers. Weiterlesen. CNBC July 9 Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest blogs Obama Wins, Even with High Unemployment. Weiterlesen. MSNBC July 8 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in report on U. S. unemployment and job growth. Weiterlesen. Originating blog on CNBC. Related coverage by. Related coverage by UPI. Pittsburgh Post Gazette. others. News on Women July 7 Joyce E. A. Russell, Ralph J. Tyser Distinguished Teaching Fellow, is announced as the Smith Schools new Vice Dean of Programs. Weiterlesen. Originating article, also announcing Victor Mullins as new associate dean, was posted by Reuters and others Baltimore Business Journal July 6 Peter Morici, professor of international business, says trade manipulation in China is hurting the U. S. Steel industry and prompting Baltimore County to consider alternatives to steel manufacturing to remain economically viable. Read more (subscription required for full access) WTTG Fox 5 July 6 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, discusses President Obamas call to extend tax cuts for low - and middle-income earners in a live morning news segment. Watch. Atlanta Journal Constitution July 6 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes an Independence Day essay Were Free to think Freely. Weiterlesen. Futurity July 5 Richmond Matthews, assistant professor of finance is cited as co-author of a Journal of Financial Economics study, Doing battle with short sellers: The conflicted role of blockholders in bear raids. Weiterlesen. Washington Times July 5 Peter Morici, professor of international business, explains choice of degree programs dictates future earning potential in a report on rising debt levels for College graduates. Weiterlesen. Business Insider July 5 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, guest blogs Why Warren Buffett Keeps Adding to his Wells Fargo Investment. Weiterlesen. Also published by ForExpros, GuruFocus and Seeking Alpha. Business Travel Executive July 5 Story reports research about trans border air passengers bypassing Canadian airports by Smith Logistics, Business and Policy professors Martin Dresner and Robert Windle and PhD student Omar Sherif Elwakil. Weiterlesen. Washington Post July 2 A report on physician ratings initiatives highlights a Center for Health Information and Decision Systems (CHIDS) study, A Changing Landscape of Physician Quality Reporting: Analysis of Patients Online Ratings of Their Physicians Over a 5-Year Period, by Ritu Agarwal, the Robert H. Smith Deans Chair of Information Systems and director of CHIDS and Gordon Gao, assistant professor in the Decision, Operations and Information Technologies department and CHIDS co-director. Weiterlesen. Chicago Fed Letter July 2012 issue Bill Longbrake, executive-in-residence, comments (page 4) for a report on New horizons for risk management: Shifting rules, shifting strategies. Weiterlesen. Financial Times June 2012 Dean G. Anand Anandalingam discusses MBA students at Smith and elsewhere eyeing careers in social enterprise as well as in the financial sector. View interview . BizEd magazine July to August 2012 (released June 29) Ken White, assistant dean of marketing communications, discusses the Smith Effect marketing campaign. Weiterlesen . Brand Eins June 2012 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, shares his banking and risk management experience and perspective in one of Germanys leading business magazines. Weiterlesen. Translate copiedpasted text to English . American Public Medias Marketplace Radio June 29 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, explains the Office of the Comptroller of Currency role in overseeing such institutions as JP Morgan. Listen . (Maryland) Gazette June 29 Ritu Agarwal, professor and deans chair of information systems and director of the Center for Health Information and Decision Systems, comments on Marylands Health Information Exchange initiative in light of the Supreme Court upholding the Affordable Care Act. Weiterlesen . The Baltimore Sun June 28 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes the Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act could lead to a single-payer system. Weiterlesen . Wall Street Journal June 28 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, helps explain the regulatory spotlight on JP Morgan. Weiterlesen . The Big Think June 27 Anil Gupta, the Michael Dingman Chair in Global Strategy and Entrepreneurship, says industry in developing nations faces a shortage of experienced managers. Read moreview . Businessweek June 27 Peter Morici, professor of international business, says Wall Street has seen everything theyre going to see in reference to President Obama in a report analyzing the presidential candidates appeal in the commerce world. Weiterlesen . Seattle Times June 23 Mike Faulkender, associate professor of finance, discusses CEOs of Northwest public companies reaping larger rewards, despite say on pay votes. Weiterlesen . Fox Business Channel June 22 Peter Morici, professor of international business, breaks down the impact from Moodys slashing the credit ratings of 15 banks. View . Roanoke Times June 22 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes University of Virginia President Theresa Sullivans recent dismissal was justified. Weiterlesen. Related coverage includes interviewdiscussion on Current TVs The Young Turks and a quote in the Wall Street Journal . Reuters June 20 UMD-Smith Health IT, Finance experts comment on the Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care Reform article is posted. Weiterlesen. Also posted by Equities . American Banker June 20 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, is quoted in an editors commentary on JP Morgans risk management problems. Read more (with subscription) The Economist June 20 Report covers research by Smith Logistics, Business and Policy professors Martin Dresner and Robert Windle and PhD student Omar Sherif Elwakil about transborder air passengers bypassing Canadian airports. Weiterlesen. Related coverage by Travel Daily News International . For Expros June 19 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, guest blogs about recent Warren Buffet comments on IPOs, JP Morgan and more. Weiterlesen. Also published by GuruFocus, others. CNBC. om June 19 Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest blogs Fed Meets with Few Options as Recession Looms. Weiterlesen. Also published in The Baltimore Sun, others. Gazeta Wyborcza (Electoral Gazette) June 18 Charles Olson, professor of the practice in Logistics, Business and Public Policy and Business Honors Program director, describes the MBA experience for students in the United States for a related report in Polands Warsaw-based, highest-circulation daily newspaper (article not online). CNBC June 17 Peter Morici, professor of international business, argues economically struggling European nations should exit the euro. View. Related coverage includes Moricis commentary on Westwood One Radios The Osgood File and in an Op-ed for Australias Business Spectator . The Street June 15 Peter Morici, professor of international business writes, U. S. is becoming too much like Greece. Weiterlesen . The Daily Record June 14 Janet Wagner, associate professor of marketing, helps analyze Columbias newly opening Wegmans food store as bridging a gap between natural high-end grocer Whole Foods Market and middle-end grocer Giant Foods, and has a following similar to Apple. Read more (with subscription) Card Hub - June 13 - Bill Longbrake, executive-in-residence, helps analyze debit card swipe fee regulations. Weiterlesen. American Banker June 13 In a report, CEO Picks Suggest Fannie Would Dominate in a Merger of GSEs, Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, comments: Its going to be a very tough road because were almost talking about the epilogue of Fannie and Freddie. Its less about the fundamental market, such as securitization and the retained portfolio which is in run-down mode, so having a guy whose core strength is around legal issues may be what they need right now at Fannie. Read more (with subscription) BNN (Canada Business News Channel) June 13 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, dissects JP Morgan chief executive Jamie Dimons Senate testimony about the companys 2 billion loss. Watch . CNBC June 13 Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest blogs the U. S. Economy is Flirting with Recession. Weiterlesen . American Banker June 12 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance is quoted in an article titled Why Is Buffett Avoiding Small-Bank Investments Read more . Associated Press June 12 Dean G. Anand Anandalingam discusses the state of business education and its evolving challenges in a piece originally by the Daily Record and carried by Bloomberg Businessweek, the Washington Post and others. Weiterlesen . Bloomberg June 12 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, comments in Wells Fargo Bankers Toting Guns Aim at 40 of Market: Mortgages. Weiterlesen . Bloomberg Businessweek June 11 Story highlights the Smith Schools participation among five institutions in a groundbreaking PRSA program integrating public relations instruction in the MBA curriculum. Weiterlesen . The Daily Record June 10 Dean G. Anand Anandalingam discusses how politics is affecting Marylands economy in a sidebar to Dean of School of Business Changing Course Read more . The Baltimore Sun June 9 Michael Trusov, assistant professor of marketing, helps explain the marketing advantages of the recently established Google Business Photos service. Weiterlesen . Marketwatch June 8 Michael Trusov, assistant professor of marketing, is announced as new a member of the MarketShare Academic Board of Advisors. Weiterlesen . Baltimore Business Journal June 8 Bill Longbrake, executive in residence, comments on implications of Bush-tax cut expiration for personal financial planning. Read more (subscription required) Forbes June 5 Column highlights the High Cost of Waiting op-ed by Ritu Agarwal, professor and deans chair of information systems and director of the Center for Health Information and Decision Systems. Weiterlesen . New York Times June 4 Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teacher Fellow, helps explain JP Morgan was warned about lax risk controls. Weiterlesen . Ottawa Citizen June 1 Rhonda Reger, associate professor of management, comments for a report on Google execs role in Egypt a corporate dilemma, originally published by Agence France-Presse and reported throughout Canada in early June. Weiterlesen . Reuters June 1 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in a report, Bleak jobs report spells trouble for Obama re-election. Weiterlesen. Related coverage includes Fox Business Channel . United Press International May 31 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes JP Morgan debacle points to regulatory incompetence, corruption. Weiterlesen . Avenue News (Essex, Md.) May 31 Elinda Kiss, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, helps explain how local banks benefit by lending to small businesses. Weiterlesen . The Baltimore Sun May 31 Ritu Agarwal, professor and deans chair of information systems and director of the Center for Health Information and Decision Systems, writes op-ed about the High Cost of Waiting in doctors offices. Weiterlesen . CNN May 31 Peter Morici, professor of international business, explains the implications of Spains banking crisis. WatchRead more . The Street May 30 Peter Morici, professor of International Business, writes Spains bank could torpedo the Euro. Weiterlesen. Related coverage: quoted by Associated Press . American Banker May 29 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, analyzes the fallout from the J. P. Morgan loss in his inaugural Risk Management weekly column for American Banker. Weiterlesen . CNBC May 29 Peter Morici, professor of International Business guest blogs JPMorgan Debacle Points to Regulatory Incompetence, Corruption. Weiterlesen. Also published by The Street, Finfacts Ireland, others Related coverage: WWL (New Orleans) Radio . Agence France-Presse via The Times (South Africa) May 28 Gerard Hoberg, associate professor of finance, comments for New tech bubble unlikely. Weiterlesen. Also published by PC World Magazine, MSN Philippines News, iAfrica, others United Press International May 27 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in report analyzing U. S. unemployment. Weiterlesen . Bloomberg Television May 25 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, analyzes Todd Coombs performance in overseeing Berkshire Hathaway investments. Watch . Forexpros May 24 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, guest blogs Whats Buffet up to Now Read more . Boston Herald May 23 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes about presidential campaign rhetoric related to economic policy. Weiterlesen. Also published by The Street, FOXNews, others related coverage by WMAL radio . Des Moines Register May 22 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes about developments in Europes financial crisis. Weiterlesen. Also publishedrelated coverage by Finfacts Ireland, Black Christian News, others. The Economist May 21 Brent Goldfarb and David Kirsch, associate professors of management and entrepreneurship, are cited for developing an MBA entrepreneurial course taught by Goldfarb and based on students operating firms with real profit-and-loss statements. Weiterlesen . Money Morning May 21 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, is quoted in Warren Buffett Stocks: Where the Oracle of Omaha Puts his Money. Weiterlesen . Wall Street Journal May 21 Russ Wermers, associate professor of finance, comments on an emerging model for quantitative analysis that integrates rational decision making. Weiterlesen . Building a Smarter Planet May 21 Smith MBA student Andrew Cole guest blogs for IBM about the recent Robert H. Smith School of Business and IBM Business Analytics Workshop focused on healthcare analytics. Weiterlesen . Huffington Post May 20 A set of hospital logistics studies led by Bruce Golden, The France-Merrick Chair in Management Science, and PhD student David Anderson, on surgery policy and hospital readmission is covered. Weiterlesen. Related coverage: Healthcare Finance News. California Democrat (Missouri Daily). United Press International. others. WJLA-ABC 7 May 19 Peter Morici, professor of international business, discusses current issues including J. P. Morgans loss and the Facebook IPO on the Washington Business Report. Watch . International Herald Tribune May 18 Gerard Hoberg, associate professor of finance, analyzes Facebook IPO early activity for the New York Times global edition. Weiterlesen. Also published by Vancouver Sun, Times of India, NEWS. au (Australia), Yahoo News, Ventures Africa, Bangkok Post, Montreal Gazette, Surghar Daily (Afghanistan), others. Bloomberg Television May 17 Anil Gupta, the Michael Dingman Chair in Strategy and Entrepreneurship, participates in a panel discussion on Western business strategy toward a growing consumer base in Asia. Watch . Times of India May 17 Il-Horn Hann and Siva Visanathan, associate professors of information systems, analyze Facebooks global economic force, in time with the companys IPO. Weiterlesen. Also published internationally by Agence France-Presse via several outlets. CBS News May 16 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in a Moneywatch column on the U. S. trade gaps impact on the economy. Weiterlesen. Related Coverage: Westwood One Radio (Osgood file). CNBC. Los Angeles Times. others. TMCnet (industry news) May 16 Facebook IPO analysis by Gerard Hoberg, associate professor of finance is highlighted. Weiterlesen. Related Coverage: Money morning . Chicago Tribune May 15 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes about ramifications of J. P Morgans 2 billion loss. Weiterlesen. Also published by FOXNews, Des Moines Register, Florida Sun Sentinel, Business Spectator (Australia), Related Coverage by CNN. WUSA-CBS 9. others. Bloomberg Businessweek May 15 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, comments on Berkshire Hathaways stakes in General Motors and Viacom. Weiterlesen. Related Coverage: Automotive News . New York Times May 15 Amna Kirmani, professor of marketing and PhD program director, comments for Making Choices in the Age of Information Overload. Weiterlesen . Baltimore Sun May 14 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes the Euro, as a single currency, worsened Europes economy. Weiterlesen. Also published by FOXNews, others. Washington Post May 13 Gilad Chen, Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Organizational Behavior and department chair, comments for Balancing mom and executive roles. Weiterlesen . Associated Press May 11 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, analyzes J. P. Morgans 2 billion loss. Weiterlesen. Also published by USA Today, CBC (Canada), others related coverage: Bloomberg Businessweek. BNN (Canada). CNN. others The Daily Record May 10 Debra Shapiro, the Clarice Smith Professor of Management and Organization, is cited in On the Move for her election to lead the Academy of Management. Weiterlesen . American Banker May 9 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, guest blogs about Bank of Americas offer to assist about 200,000 struggling homeowners. Weiterlesen . Bloomberg May 9 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, comments in Fannie Mae Wont Seek Aid After Posting 2.7 Billion Profit. Weiterlesen. Find MBA News May 9 Smiths forthcoming Data Mining course and its new instructor, Margrt Bjarnadttir, are highlighted in a piece on unique electives. Weiterlesen. FINfacts May 9 Peter Morici guest blogs Fix the U. S. trade deficit to end jobs drought. Weiterlesen. Also published in the Statesman Journal, by United Press International, others. American Banker - May 9 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, analyzes Bank of America announcement to target distressed borrowers for principal reductions in guest blog. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg May 8 Gerard Hoberg, associate professor of finance, analyzes the looming Facebook IPO. Weiterlesen. San Jose Mercury News May 8 Il-Horn Hann, associate professor of information systems, is quoted, and his fall 2011 Facebook App Economy study (co-authored with Siva Viswanathan) cited, in a report about Facebook as a startup catalyst. Weiterlesen. Baltimore Sun May 8 David Kirsch, associate professor of entrepreneurship and management, comments on the continuing operation of a two-century-old blacksmith shop in Baltimore. Weiterlesen. BloombergBusinessweek - May 6 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow and finance professor, comments in Buffet says U. S. banks a class apart from Europeans. Weiterlesen. Marketplace Radio May 4 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, answers questions about U. S. student loan debt. Listenread transcript. Baltimore Business Journal May 4 Kenyon Crowley, director of health innovation, comments on the emerging business of health care in academics. Read more (subscription required for full access.) PBS Newshour May 4 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in a Business Desk blog about Aprils U. S. unemployment numbers. Weiterlesen. Related coverage: May 4 - New York Post. Wall Street Journal May 3 - Bob Krapfel, associate dean for M. B.A. and M. S. programs, helps explain the popularity of MBA students performing unpaid consultant services for companies. Weiterlesen. Marketwatch - May 3 - Debra Shapiro, the Clarice Smith of Management and Organization, is announced as newly elected to lead the Academy of Management. Weiterlesen. C-SPAN - May 3 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, discusses the U. S. student loan debt issue on Washington Journal. Watch. Related coverage: April 30 Baltimore Sun column. Also published by Fox News, Des Moines Register, United Press International, others. April 29 - WLJA TV Washington Report panel. April 27 - WMAL radio interview. Bloomberg - May 2 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow and finance professor, comments in Buffetts Biggest Bargain may be Berkshire Hathaway. Weiterlesen. BloombergBusinessweek May 2 Sam Kang, director of MBA admissions, describes implications of a student applicants Facebook presence. Weiterlesen. April 2012 NeoConstant - April 30 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow and finance professor, comments on 30-percent loss for Berkshire Profits. Weiterlesen. WTTG FOX 5 - April 30 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, discusses the U. S. student loan debt issue. Watch. Philadelphia Inquirer - April 30 - Joyce E. A. Russell, Distinguished Tyser Teaching Fellow and director of the Executive Coaching and Leadership Development Program, is quoted in a report on Millennials entering the workforce. Weiterlesen. FoxNews - April 26 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest blogs Avoiding Europes Imminent Collapse. Weiterlesen. Marketwatch - April 26 - The Center for Health Information and Decision Systems (CHIDS) Innovate 4 Health Care Challenge is recapped. Weiterlesen. WTOP radio April 26 Peter Morici, professor of international business, analyzes recently reported GDP figures. Listenread more. Bloomberg News (via San Francisco Chronicle) April 26 Michael Faulkender, assistant professor of finance, is quoted in CEOs Earn More Than They Would Without U. S. Boards Showing Bias. Weiterlesen. The Diamondback April 25 Elinda Kiss, Tyser Teaching Fellow for finance, comments in a report on Obama administration opposition to raising student loan interest rates. Weiterlesen. Network Solutions News April 24 Wendy Moe, associate professor of marketing, discusses Social Media Tactics for Small Business as part of a national-expert panel. Watchread more. NextGen Journal April 23 Ali Von Paris, a Smith senior finance and supply chain major, and her startup company, Route One Apparel, are profiled. Weiterlesen. MarketWatch April 23 Smith faculty Brent Goldfarb, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, and Melissa Carrier, executive director of the Office of Social Value Creation, are cited as judges in a recap of the UMD 75k Business Plan Competition. Weiterlesen. The Diamondback April 23 - Ethan Cohen Cole, assistant professor of finance, comments on why Maryland residents carry the most student loan debt on average in the nation. Weiterlesen. Cole commented for a similar report in the April 11 Washington Examiner. Bloomberg Businessweek April 23 Peter Morici, professor of international business, comments in a report on Europes faltering debt fix and rattling markets. Weiterlesen. The Munch April 23 Recent Pitch Dingman competition winner startup, Triple Impact, is profiled. Weiterlesen. Fox Business News April 20 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, discusses signs of a forthcoming recession. Watch. Christian Broadcasting Network News April 19 Peter Morici, professor of international business suggests dissolving the Euro as part of a solution to Europes debt crisis. Weiterlesen. US News and World Report April 19 - Cynthia Stevens, associate professor of management and organization, is an expert source for 5 Everyday Networking Opportunities a Job-Seeker Cant Miss. Read more. Baltimore Business Journal April 19 Gary Lynch, global practice leader for supply chain risk and resiliency solutions at Marsh Risk Consulting, is announced as a newly appointed research fellow for Smiths Supply Chain Management Center. Weiterlesen. CNBC April 18 Peter Morici, international professor of business, guest blogs on The GOPs Winning and Losing Strategies. Weiterlesen. NPR Marketplace April 18 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, comments on the implications of Warren Buffetts cancer diagnosis. Listen. Business Spectator April 18 Peter Morici, professor of international business writes about A Somber Business Lesson from Spain. Weiterlesen. Forexpros April 16 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, guest blogs Berkshire Hathaway Adds 745 Million to Its DirecTV Stake. Weiterlesen. CNBC April 16 Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest blogs on the implications for China widening the yuans trading value. Weiterlesen. Also published by Boston Herald, others. Reuters April 15 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in report analyzing Chinas widening of yuans trading value. Weiterlesen. WJLA April 15 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, discusses recent GDP figures and other issues in a Washington Business Report segment. Watch. Statesman Journal April 13, Peter Morici, professor of international business writes deficit empathy creating uphill battle for Romney. Weiterlesen. Also published by Des Moines Register, others NASDAQ - April 11 - Peter Morici, professor of international business is interviewed about the Obama administrations effects on the oil industry. Listen. American Banker April 11 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, writes about the implications of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issuing a final rule in June for qualified mortgages as part of the Dodd-Frank Act. Weiterlesen. The magazine also quoted Rossi on the topic in an earlier report. Business Spectator (Australia) - April 10 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes about Americas half-way manufacturing rebound. Weiterlesen. The column also appears in Industry Week, Finfacts and others The State Journal (West Virginia) April 9 - Edwin Locke, deans professor of Leadership and Motivation, is profiled as the featured speaker for the April 18 Wheeling Jesuit Distinguished Speakers Program. Locke will present Business Heroes in Fact amp Fiction. Weiterlesen. China Post April 9 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted, citing a stagnant U. S. Economy as linked to an undervalued China currency. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg Businessweek - April 8 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, is quoted in a report, JPMorgan Trader Iksil Fuels Prop-Trading Debate. Weiterlesen. The Epoch Times April 7 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes about rising U. S. gas prices in this column. Weiterlesen. Campus Entrepreneurship April 7 The Dingman Center for Entrepreneurships 2012 Cupids Cup competition is reviewed in this blog post (with video). Weiterlesen. Other coverage included Prince Georges Sentinel. Tech Cocktail. and MDbizMedia. Atlanta Journal Constitution April 6 Peter Morici, professor of international business is quoted in commentary titled Is the economy gaining or just breaking even Read more. MSNBC April 5 Peter Morici, professor of international business, participates in a panel discussion about the national debt on the Dylan Ratigan Show. Watch. Pittsburgh Post Gazette - April 4 - J. Robert Baum, associate professor of entrepreneurship, is profiled as the new, interim CEO of Highmark, called upon to stabilize the companys leadership. Weiterlesen. CNBC April 4 Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest blogs about the prospect for U. S. jobs growth. Weiterlesen. Also published by Finfacts, others. Computerworld April 3 Sunil Mithas, associate professor of management, finds IT investments deliver profits in his recently published study in MIS Quarterly. Weiterlesen. Also coveredrepublished by Computer News, CFO World, Information Management, Datamation, IT World, PC Advisor and others. New Yorker April 2 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, is profiled in a 300-plus word passage in the magazines Talk of the Town section. The piece was drawn from coverage of Rossis presentation for the 13th annual conference of the Global Association of Risk Professionals, held in Times Square. Accessible online with paid subscription through archive section. Washington Business Journal - April 2 - The University of Maryland Entrepreneurship Invitational and annual Cupids Cup event is recapped. Weiterlesen. The story also was carried by The Street, Sacramento Bee and others. Washington Post April 1- Bob Krapfel, associate dean of MBA and MS programs, comments on the Smith Schools thriving and expanding MS degree programs as part of a report, Specialized Masters Degrees on the Rise, in the Posts annual Guide to Business and Graduate Education. Weiterlesen. The issue also highlights the Office of Career Services unique improvisation class. March 2012 WMAL March 30 Peter Morici, professor of international business, comments on multiple issues related to the national economy during the Morning on the Mall radio program. Listen. Pittsburgh Post Gazette - March 30 - Gilad Chen, professor of management and organizational behavior, comments on Highmark Inc. s response to scandalous activity by its now-former CEO Kenneth Melani. Weiterlesen. CNN March 29 Peter Morici, professor of international business, debates the issue of austerity with Euro Pacific Capital CEO Peter Schiff. View. Washington Post (via Associated Press) March 29 The Dingman Center for Entrepreneurships March 30 Entrepreneurship invitational and the Center for Health Information and Decision Systems April 20 Innovate 4 Health Care Challenge, are included in a roundup of UMD entrepreneurial events. Weiterlesen. Washington Exec March 28 Dean Anand Anandalingam provides insight for a Secrets to Success series piece titled Cats Can Be Herded. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg - March 28 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser teaching fellow and executive-in-residence, comments on millionaire Jeremiah Nortons FDIC appointment. Weiterlesen. Also published by Bloomberg Businessweek . Finfacts (Ireland) - March 28 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes Overturning US health care law could lead to a single-payer system. Weiterlesen. Also published by Business Spectator, South Florida Sun Sentinel, Statesman Journal. Diamondback - March 27 - Gilad Chen, professor of management and organization, comments . Its model of giving all of its members a voice is one that can propel businesses to success if the particular business is built on engaging all employees, in a profile of the UMD Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, whose 30 professional musicians practice and perform without a conductor. Weiterlesen. United Press International - March 27 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes the U. S. economy grew at a 3 percent annual rate in the fourth quarter of 2011, but first half growth is likely to disappoint. Weiterlesen. Also published by Australias Business Spectator. Baltimore Sun - March 26 Rebecca Hamilton, associate professor of marketing, is quoted in Kegasus officially announced as Preakness Infields mascot. Weiterlesen. Washington Post - March 26 - The Dingman Center for Entrepreneurships University of Maryland Entrepreneurship Invitational, including the annual Cupids Cup competition, is highlighted in a What to Watch for column. Weiterlesen. Forex Pros - March 25 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow in finance, guest blogs Warren Buffett and Investing in Gold. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg-Businessweek March 21 - Anil K. Gupta, professor of strategy, and Smith School graduate Haiyan Wang write about Indias Misguided China Anxiety. Weiterlesen. U. S. News and World Report March 21 - Jeffrey Stoltzfus, associate director of employer relations, is a source for a piece, 8 Ideal Jobs for MBA Grads. Weiterlesen. Republished by Business Insider. American Thinker March 21 Peter Morici, professor of international business is quoted in Troubleshooting our Stalling National Economy. Weiterlesen. WAMU Radio March 20 Joe Bailey, research associate professor, participates as an expert panelist on the Kojo Nnamdi Show for a Tech Tuesday program, Mobile Money: Will A Cell Phone Bump Replace Cash Transcript Audio . MIT Sloan Management Review Magazine - March 20 - Sunil Mithas, associate professorassociate chair for the Department of Decision, Operations and Information Technologies, writes investments companies make in information technology increase profitability more than investments in advertising or research and development as part of a summary of his related study in the spring edition of the MIT Sloan Management Journal. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg Businessweek March 19 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence is quoted in this report on the Federal Reserves stress tests of the nations largest banks. Read more Rossi also is quoted in related coverage by American Banker (subscription required). Washington Post - March 18 - Greg Hanifee, assistant dean of executive programs, provides insight for a report titled In Washington region, universities find market for executive MBA programs. Weiterlesen. Financial Times March 18 Peter Morici, professor of international business is a source for this analysis of the GOP presidential primary. Weiterlesen. Carroll County (Md.) Times March 19 David Kass and Elinda Kiss, both Tyser Teaching Fellows in finance, are quoted in Rothschild suggests investing county money in gold, silver. Weiterlesen. WJLA TV - March 18 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, provides commentary for Washington Business Report. Watch. Pensions and Investments March 16 - Russell Wermers, associate professor of finance is cited for receiving a Graham and Dodd Readers Choice Award for excellence in research and financial writing among articles in 2011 issues of the Financial Analysts Journal. Wermers winning paper, Active Management in Mostly Efficient Markets, was co-authored with Robert C. Jones, chairman of Arwen Advisors. Weiterlesen. American Banker - March 15 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, writes The Fed is Fighting the Last War in Its Latest Stress Tests. Weiterlesen. WMAL Radio - March 15 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, discusses current economic issues. Listen. NPR Morning Edition - March 14 - Pete Kyle, the Charles E. Smith Chair Professor of Finance, comments in a report, Major Banks Pass Feds Recession Test. Listen. Global Association of Risk Professionals March 2012 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, guest blogs Risk Governance, Incentives and Cognitive Bias. Read more (subscription required). Bank Systems amp Technology - March 2012 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, writes new regulatory requirements highlight the need for global retail banking operations to redouble their efforts to integrate data, analytics and reporting across geography in this monthly trade publication. Weiterlesen. Crains New York Business - March 2012 - David Godes, associate professor of marketing, is cited as a mentor and current advisor to Harvard grad Will Dean, creator and CEO of Tough Mudder, an international 10-mile obstacle course competition circuit that involves crawling under barbed wire, plunging into ice water, darting through flames and enduring jolts of 10,000 volts of electricity. Weiterlesen. Council on Foreign Relations March 14 Peter Morici, professor of international business is referenced as source in this backgrounder on U. S. Trade Policy. Weiterlesen. Washington Post March 14 Edward Lavino, director of admissions for part-time MBA programs, Masters Programs Office, is quoted in a report, Downturn forces area business schools to adapt. Weiterlesen. Business Spectator (Australia) - March 14 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes about increased oil production as an approach to lowering gas prices. Weiterlesen. (Also published by the Asia Times, on CNBC and others) Citizen IBM (Blog) March 13 - The Center for Social Value Creation is highlighted by IBM Vice President of Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs Stanley Litgow, who writes about meeting Smith MBA students around his keynote speech for the CSVCs March 1 Social Enterprise Symposium. Weiterlesen. MediaPost Blogs March 13 - Sunil Mithas, associate professor of information systems, and his previous research about customer satisfaction is referenced in a blog post about the same topic. Weiterlesen. Marketwatch - March 12 - The Dingman Centers March 30 University of Maryland Entrepreneurship Invitational is previewed. Weiterlesen. Marketwatch - March 11 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, is mentioned as a February Forecaster of the Month runner - up for this financial news outlet. Weiterlesen. Florida Sun Sentinal - March 9 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes President Obama is wrong to criticize critics wisdom in drilling for oil. Weiterlesen. Capital News Service - March 9 - David Godes, associate professor of marketing, is the primary source for a piece on how Maryland lawmakers, government agencies and small businesses have utilized Pinterest, the fast-growing social networking online site. Weiterlesen. MSNBC - March 9 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, joins the Dylan Ratigan Show to help analyze the February U. S. jobs report. View. WTTG Fox 5 March 9 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, discusses a bill introduced in Congress to revise unemployment calculation standards. View. Latin Business Today - March 8 Peter Morici, professor of international business, defines the U. S. trade deficit in this economic outlook piece. Weiterlesen. CNBC - March 7 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest blogs about Februarys report on national employment figures. Weiterlesen. (Also published by the UPI, the Boston Herald and several other outlets nationally) Des Moines Register March 5 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes Ohio is the Real Test for Romney. Weiterlesen. WMAL Radio - March 2 - On the Morning Majority program, - Peter Morici, professor of international business, discusses the price of oil and Department of Energy Secretary Chues controversial remarks earlier that week. Listen. BizTimes (Milwaukee) - March 1 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest blogs Manufacturing is the Ticket to turning around Americas Economy. Weiterlesen. February 2012 WJLA-ABC 7 Feb. 29 Ajay Abraham, a marketing Ph. D. student, is interviewed in a report based on his research co-authored with marketing professors Anastasiya Pocheptsova and Rosellina Ferraro, that cell phones tend to make users selfish. View report or read transcript. Washington Post - Feb. 28 - Danni Diego, president of the Smith Part-Time MBA Association, describes how and why she took advantage of the Smith Schools part-time MBA degree program in an Education Report supplement feature titled Part-Time MBA a Full Experience. (not online) Optimal Solutions Group News Feb. 28 Kenyon Crowley, associate director of the Center for Health Information and Decision Systems, is cited for his presentation at the groups annual kick off meeting overviewing Smith School health IT research initiatives. Weiterlesen. Inbound Logistics Feb. 28 Thomas Corsi, the Michelle E. Smith Professor of Logistics Sandor Boyson, research professor and Phil Evers, associate professor are featured experts for this trade publications Supply Chain Education: Ask the Professors piece. Weiterlesen. Bank Systems and Technology - Feb. 28 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, guest blogs about new regulatory requirements highlighting the need for global retail banking operations to redouble efforts to integrate data, analytics and reporting across geography. Weiterlesen. Boston Herald - Feb. 28 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes the Obama Administration should lift restrictions on domestic petroleum drilling toward lowering gas prices. Weiterlesen. The Hill Feb. 28 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in a Dick Morris column positing high gas prices as troublesome to President Obamas reelection bid. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg Businessweek and American Banker - Feb. 27 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching FelIow and finance professor, praises the effort of Brian Moynihan to fix Bank of America in related, separate reports: Bloomberg Businessweek American Banker. Marketplace Radio - Feb. 27Wall Street Journal - Feb. 25 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching FelIow and finance professor comments in separate reports on Warren Buffetts letter to shareholders. WSJ (read) Marketplace (listen). Bloomberg - Feb. 25 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching FelIow and finance professor comments in a report, Berkshire Profit Declines 30. Read more. Washington Times - Feb. 23 - Michel Wedel, Pepsico Professor of Consumer Research, comments related to a conditional correlation between Web-based popularity and the corporate bottom line in this piece about contemporary research of marketing. Weiterlesen. UMD News - Feb. 23 - The Smith Schools Strawberry Startup ice cream flavor creation is highlighted in this preview of the annual Cupids Cup event, set for March 30. View the story. Finfacts Ireland - Feb. 22 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in a reported on January U. S. home sales. Weiterlesen. American Banker - Feb. 22 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, is featured in the Bankers Blog Watch section. Read more (scroll down). Reuters - Feb. 21 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, is quoted in Feds housing blueprint lost in din of politics. Weiterlesen. The Atlantic - Feb. 21 - Research on cellphones making users selfish from marketing professors Anastasiya Pocheptsova and Rosellina Ferraro, and Ph. D. student Ajay Abraham, is reported on. Weiterlesen. PRIMEtime (Global Education Leadership Blog) Feb. 28 The Smith School is cited for its Doing Business in Bolivia elective. Weiterlesen. CNBC Feb. 22 Peter Morici, international business professor, writes a commentary about existing homes sales. Weiterlesen. Associated Press Feb. 22 Peter Morici, international business professor, is quoted in a story about the European debt crisis. Weiterlesen. NPR: All Things Considered - Feb. 21 Peter Morici, international business professor, is interviewed about a spike in markets. Read more or listen online. Baltimore Sun - Feb. 21 Rebecca Hamilton, associate professor of marketing, is quoted in a story about stealth marketing campaigns. Weiterlesen. Diamondback - Feb. 20 Plans for a new UMD entrepreneurship center incorporate the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurships leadership on campus. Weiterlesen. Time - Feb. 20 - Research that cellphones making users selfish from marketing professors Anastasiya Pocheptsova and Rosellina Ferraro is the topic of a post on Time magazines health blog. Weiterlesen. Digital Producer - Feb. 20 - Students representing Smith School placed second among undergraduate teams at an international case competition at the 22nd Annual Marketing Summit at Wake Forest University. Weiterlesen. Medical Xpress - Feb. 20 - Rosellina Ferraro, assistant professor of marketing, is quoted with co-authors -- colleagues from Duke University - in a story on their study, Nutrition labeling law lowered nutrition, improved taste. Weiterlesen. BBC Radio 5 - Feb. 20 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, discussesdebates with Up all Night host William Hague about Greeces struggling economy. Listen. Baltimore Sun - Feb. 20 Peter Morici, international business professor, writes an op-ed about how faith plays into politics and economic policies in the presidential campaign. His commentary is picked up by several other outlets, including the Statesman Journal and RealClearPolitics. Weiterlesen. WJLA - ABC 7 - Feb. 19 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, joins a Washington Business Report roundtable discussion of improving economic stats, Obama projections on manufacturing jobs and more. Weiterlesen. WTTG-Fox 5 Feb. 17 - Anastasiya Pocheptsova, assistant professor of marketing, is interviewed on the morning newscast about her research on cell phones making people more selfish. Watch online. US News amp World Report Feb. 17 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in a story about the housing market. Weiterlesen. San Francisco Chronicle Feb. 17 Research on cell phones making you selfish from marketing professors Anastasiya Pocheptsova and Rosellina Ferraro is the topic of a blog post. Weiterlesen. UPI Feb. 17 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in a column about the economy. Weiterlesen. TheStreet Feb. 17 Peter Morici, international business professor, writes a commentary about the economy. Weiterlesen. NBC local affiliates Feb. 17 Peter Morici, international business professor, is quoted in a story on the economy that is picked up by affiliates in several markets nationwide, including Arkansas, St. Louis, New York and others. Weiterlesen. Huffington Post Feb. 17 - Marketing professors Anastasiya Pocheptsovas and Rosellina Ferraros working paper, The Effect of Mobile Phone Use on Prosocial Behavior, continues to attract media attention. Also appears on RedOrbit and is mentioned on several radio broadcasts, including WTOP. Weiterlesen. BizTimes - Feb. 16 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes a guest column about the dip in unemployment claims. Weiterlesen. CNBC - Feb. 16 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes a guest column about the dip in unemployment claims. Weiterlesen. Maryland Gazette Feb. 16 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted in a story about the outcome of a foreclosure settlement for Maryland. Weiterlesen. FoxNews - Feb. 15 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes reforms imposed by the German Chancellor and Greek creditors will delay but not avoid a sovereign default. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg BusinessWeek - Feb. 15, 14 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow and Finance Professor, helps analyze Berkshire Hathaway Inc. s additions of DirecTV and Liberty Media, and hiring of stock picker Ted Weschler in a set of related reports. Read more Read more. CNN - Feb. 14 - Peter Morici, professor of international business tells Christine Romans that China might become the largest economy, but has to deal with being poor per capita as part of a report on U. S.-China Relations. Weiterlesen. Baltimore Sun - Feb. 14 - Marketing professors Anastasiya Pocheptsovas and Rosellina Ferraros working paper, The Effect of Mobile Phone Use on Prosocial Behavior, is reported on. Weiterlesen. The research also is reported by Science Daily, TechSouth Journal, National Georgraphics Newswatch blog. PBS News Hours The Rundown - Feb. 13 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, comments on Greeces financial troubles. Weiterlesen. Bloomberg - Feb. 13 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, helps explain how the previous weeks announced foreclosure abuse settlement will inject needed funds in the Federal Housing Administration. Weiterlesen. FinFacts Ireland - Feb. 13 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes optimism is afoot that US economic activity and jobs creation are picking up from an anemic pace. Weiterlesen. Baltimore Sun - Feb. 13 - The Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship is highlighted by UMD President Wallace Loh in his opEd, Turning Research into jobs in Maryland. Weiterlesen. FinFacts Ireland - Feb. 10 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes Curb US trade deficit Rev up oil to engineer more growth and jobs. Weiterlesen. Southern Maryland News - Feb. 10 - Joseph Bailey, professor of information management, critiques the the Maryland governors proposal for a digital services tax. Weiterlesen. Marketwatch - Feb. 9 The Smith School-hosted Cupids Cup (March 30) is highlighted among UMD entrepreneurial competitions slated for this spring. Weiterlesen. American Banker Feb. 9 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence is quoted in this opEd piece by Freddie Mac CEO Charles E. Ed Haldeman, Jr. in defense of his company. Weiterlesen. American Banker Feb. 7 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, guest blogs about Freddie Macs use of inverse floaters in the housing market. WJLA-ABC 7 Feb. 5 - Elana Fine, associate director of the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, describes the centers methods for distributing venture capital. View clip. American Thinker Feb. 4 Peter Morici, professor of international Business, is quoted in an analysis of President Obamas State of the Union address. Weiterlesen. Chinnovate - Feb. 4 - (online magazine about Chinese business and innovation) Anil Gupta is profiled. Weiterlesen. FinFacts Ireland Feb. 2 Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes in a column that a forthcoming U. S. jobs report will show little progress. Weiterlesen . Bloomberg News Feb. 2 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence explains why the new world order damages both housing demand and financial companies, in this housing market report. Weiterlesen . Business Insider Feb. 2 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow and finance professor, writes about Berkshire Hathaways 50-percent return from Goldman Sachs preferred shares purchased in 2008. Read more. The column also has been posted by other stock marketfinancial news outlets such as Seeking Alpha, GuruFocus, and ForexPros. January 2012 CNN Money Jan. 31 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is quoted about the housing market in a report, Home Prices Post Steep Decline in November. Weiterlesen. The quote is taken from Moricis column, published by Boston Herald and others. Time Jan. 31 The fall 2011 study on the economic impact of Facebook applications by School professors Il-Horn Hann and Siva Viswanathan is cited as straightforward in this otherwise critical analysis of other similar claims. Weiterlesen . Reuters Jan. 30 Albert Pete Kyle, the Charles E. Smith Chair Professor of Finance, is retained by the Securities and Exchange Commissions Inspector General to review whether regulators were adequately examining the economic impact of Dodd-Frank rules. Weiterlesen . Businessweek - Jan. 30 - Hugh Courtney, vice dean and professor of production strategy, is revealed as Northeastern Universitys selection as dean of its School of Business Administration. Weiterlesen . Sun Sentinel (Florida) Jan. 27 Peter Morici, professor of international business critiques President Obamas tax ideas, more. Weiterlesen . CNBC Jan. 27 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest blogs about disappointing GDP growth. Weiterlesen . Sustainable Business Forum - Jan. 27 - Taylor Wilkerson, a senior fellow in the Smith Schools Business Supply Chain Management Center, participates in an expert panel discussion on sustainable sourcing. Listen here . Forbes Jan. 27 Peter Morici, professor of international business, is a source for commentary titled Glacier-like but not frozen U. S. Economy. Weiterlesen . Housing Predictor - Jan. 26 Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, is quoted in a report, Banks Mortgage Settlement Hangs in Jeopardy. Weiterlesen . Chicago Tribune - Jan. 26 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes State of Dysfunction: the Economy and Hypocrisy. Weiterlesen . Applying to U. S. Universities (Blog) - Jan. 26 - Sunil Mithas, associate professor of information systems, is profiled as A role model for those aspiring for higher education. Weiterlesen . Public Radio International Jan. 26 Peter Morici, professor of international business, comments on President Obamas call for insourcing American jobs. Listenread transcript here . Marketplace Radio - Jan. 25 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching fellow and executive-in-residence comments on Obamas State of the Union address. Listen here . Patch Jan. 25 Melissa Carrier, executive director of the Center for Social Value Creation, is quoted in this profile of a unique start-up business in Potomac, Md. Read more . Forex Pros - Jan. 25 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching fellow and executive-in-residence, guest blogs Why We Need a National Housing Policy That Is Built to Last. Weiterlesen . Baltimore Business Journal Jan. 24 The 2012 economic outlook produced by Smith School faculty members is highlighted. Weiterlesen . The Nation Jan. 24 - Research showing Facebook and mobile applications creating 235,644 jobs and adding 15.71 billion to the U. S. economy published in 2011 by associate professors Il-Horn Hann and Siva Viswanathan, co-directors of the Center for Digital Innovation, Technology and Strategy, is cited in a report on the cultural effect of social media. Weiterlesen. The research also is cited in this Jan. 24 Ad Age report . Forex Pros Jan. 24 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow and finance professor, writes about the undervaluing of Bank of America shares owned by Berkshire Hathaway. Weiterlesen . MSNBC - Jan. 24 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching fellow and executive-in-residence comments on Obamas State of the Union address. Weiterlesen . The Columbia (Mo.) Daily Tribune - Jan. 24 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes Hispanics Hold Sway in Presidential Race. Weiterlesen . Economic Times of India Jan. 23 Dean Anand Anandlingam is highlighted in U. S. Colleges Earn Business Mantra from Indian Gurus The piece expands on the related, Jan. 20 Inside Higher Ed story. Weiterlesen . Gazette (Maryland Community News) Jan. 23 - Cliff Rossi, executive-in-residence and Tyser Teaching Fellow, is quoted and the Smith School facultys 2012 economic outlook is referenced in this report on state lawmakers weighing economic projections. Weiterlesen . Wired Magazine - Jan. 23 - Anil Gupta, the Michael D. Dingman Chair in Strategy and Entrepreneurship, co-authors Harsh Reality: Why Innovators Dont Always Win, with Smith School MPA grad Haiyan Wang. The piece is in Wireds February 2012 print edition. Weiterlesen . Annapolis Capital - Jan. 22 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, argues the wealthy are doing just fine because they are able to benefit from a global marketplace in this report on the impact of the recession. Weiterlesen . The Hub Jan. 22 The Smith School as a resource for experts is highlighted in this profile of the Washington Posts Capital Business section. Weiterlesen . Statesman Journal (Oregon) Jan. 22 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes the South Carolina GOP primary signifies problems for Mitt Romneys campaign. This column appeared in daily papers nationwide. Weiterlesen . Inside Higher Ed Jan. 20 - Dean Anand Anandlingam is cited among a growing number of U. S. business school leaders from India. Weiterlesen . Washington Business Journal - Jan. 20 - Elena Fine is profiled as the successor to Asher Epstein as the director of the Smith Schools Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship. Read more (subscription required for full piece). Digital Journal - Jan. 17 - A record year for the Smith Schools Dingman Center Angels is reported. Weiterlesen . C-SPAN Washington Journal - Jan. 17 - Cliff Rossi, Tyser Teaching Fellow and executive-in-residence, was interviewed and answered viewer questions about a new Federal Reserve report outlining ways to stabilize the U. S. housing market. View segment . Guru Focus - Jan. 17 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow and finance professor, writes about the value of Bank of America shares owned by Berkshire Hathaway. Weiterlesen. The piece was subsequently posted at Forex Pros . NPR. org - Jan. 16 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, comments that SampPs credit downgrading of France among nine European countries was overdue. Weiterlesen . FoxNews - Jan. 16 - Peter Morici, professor of International business, guest blogs Standard amp Poors gets France right, Germany wrong. Weiterlesen . Business Spectator - Jan. 16 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, comments that U. S. overvaluation of Chinese currency factors into U. S. employment sluggishness in Alert for a bear attack. Weiterlesen . CBS This Morning - Jan. 13 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, is interviewed for report on Tax Dollars Backing Some Risky Energy Projects. Watch online . WBAL Radio - Jan. 13 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, discusses venture capital firms. Listen here . Reuters Deutschland Jan. 12 Anil Gupta, the Michael D. Dingman Chair in Strategy and Entrepreneurship, is a source for this German language report on Indias economic reform struggles. Weiterlesen. Copy article and translate to English here . Baltimore Sun - Jan. 12 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes U. S. priorities for boosting employment should be fair trade policies, aggressive energy development. Weiterlesen . Topanga County Messenger - Jan. 12 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, has his economic views cited as influential to a Green Party congressional candidate from California. Weiterlesen . Seeking Alpha - Jan. 12 - David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow and finance professor, lands his blog, Bank Of America Warrants Add Considerable Value To Berkshire Hathaway, on the internationally respected website for stock market opinion and analysis. Weiterlesen . Dow Jones Newswire - Jan. 11 - Curt Grimm, deans professor of supply chain and strategy, is quoted in this early analysis of President Obamas call for American job insourcing. Weiterlesen . U. S. News and World Report - Jan. 11 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, suggests President Obamas call for job insourcing is directed at Mitt Romney as his potential election opponent. Weiterlesen . Sun Sentinel (Florida) - Jan. 11 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes about Mitt Romneys South Carolina primary outlook. Weiterlesen . CNBC - Jan. 10 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, guest-blogs Insourcing American Jobs. What to do. Weiterlesen . Bloomberg Television Jan. 10 David Kass, Tyser Teaching Fellow and finance professor, is interviewed about the performance of Berkshire Hathaway portfolio manager Todd Combs. View here. Bloomberg Businessweek also reported the story. Weiterlesen . Fox Business Channel Jan. 4 Phillip Swagel, a Center for Financial Policy academic fellow, discusses whether President Obama can take election-year advantage of current economic trends. View here . The Street Jan. 3 Peter Morici writes about a slow economic growth in this quarterly forecast. Weiterlesen . Boston Herald - Jan. 2 - Peter Morici, professor of international business, writes an op-Ed, Restoring Americas Middle Class. Weiterlesen. Several other outlets published piece, including the Epoch Times, Australias Business Spectator, Fox News.


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